Observing Sabbath
On the 7th day God rested…and he expects the same from us every 7th day. Sabbath begins Saturday at sunset and ends Sunday at sunset.
“There are six days when you may work, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, a day of sacred assembly. You are not to do any work; wherever you live, it is a sabbath to the LORD” – Leviticus 23:3
Jesus quotes Luke 6:6 –
- Works of mercy due to emergency
- Mercy not sacrifice
Emergency Exception
“The Lord answered him, “You hypocrites! Doesn’t each of you on the Sabbath untie your ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water?” – Luke 13:15
Basically what this verse is saying is “Will you not go and feed your donkey?” You’re not going to sit there and let your donkey/animal/pet/wife/child die of thirst. If your child has fallen sick are you not going got take your child to the hospital or run to get medicine if you do not have any? This is works of mercy due to emergency!
Jesus taught on sabbath – that’s like knowing a man lost in sin, and saying, “Sorry I can’t come preach to you because it’s the Sabbath and I have to rest.” They NEEDED teaching and healing.
Acts of mercy on needy men, hence the work was not a violation of Sabbath when Jesus taught on Sabbath days.
Jesus and his disciples were not traveling for the sake of their own pleasure, but instead to spread the gospel and save souls.
- Men needed message to save their souls – work of mercy
- Healing sick people – work of mercy
To refuse to travel and stay somewhere where they could eat otherwise would hinder the work of mercy. This divinely recognized exception which took precedence over Sabbath restrictions.
Jesus knew what Sabbath law meant.He performed a great healing.
What is the purpose of miracles?
To prove the messenger was speaking God’s will
Jesus miracles proved him to be of the Lord. The cause of conflict was not Jesus conduct but the Pharisees tradition and refused to accept what God had really said about the Sabbath law. And this is what people do in today’s society, making up excuses to not follow Sabbath.
Can I knit a blanket?
Can I go out to eat after church service?
Can I make dinner?
Can I go shopping?
Can I think about what I’m going to create/do tomorrow?
- Prepare your meals before sunset and heat them up in the microwave.
- Knitting, sewing, working, mowing the lawn, doing the laundry, cleaning the house…anything creative is NOT RESTING. “
- Do not buy or sell anything, do not go shopping for outfits, shoes, food, getting grandma’s groceries, you need to do all of this before Sabbath.
- If your starting to think about creating on Sabbath, wondering what you’re going to do tomorrow, etc stop thinking about creating and cast the thought down when it arises, remember to Rest. You have 6 days to be creative! God want’s you to be creative! But he also want’s you to REST on the 7th day. This day is a blessing, it’s Holy, amazing and great to just REST and not think or worry about anything!
- If your going out after church to not cook yourself (thinking that you are not being creative by getting someone else to make) THINK AGAIN!You are causing them to sin, and you know that you’re doing wrong! “Aww man, but my friends are going out to eat, how come I can’t?” Are you seriously going to follow your friends (the world), is man more important to you then God, more than making it into heaven? If they’re going to jump off a bridge are you going to as well?? Seriously wake up and stop following the traditions of this world. You will be left behind and cast into the fiery pits of Hell forever and ever and ever and ever and ever, where it will be pitch black, HOT, and weeping and gnashing of teeth.
If you have read this and are not following Sabbath, you are sinning against God! Confess, repent, and start acknowledging the Lord’s day.
Please feel free to ask any questions!