Judge Or Judge Not?

If you judge unrighteously then that same judgement will fall right back on you.

Keep Job’s friends in mind when reading this…

Do not give counsel without true knowledge and understanding. The is why Jesus and Paul spend a lot of time about unrighteous judgement but the “church” says “No, you don’t judge anybody” And so now this doctrine is born that any form of judgement is evil and it is nothing more then a doctrine of demons in order to plant seeds in people’s minds that when Gods true prophets come into a community and they speak of judgement what in people’s mind-set is this person? “False, don’t listen to anything they have to say”.

Not everyone is qualified to judge, you have babies (immature just learning), kindergartens, teens, adults (fully mature).

So if  judge unrighteously then that same judgement will fall right back on you. 

So some of you need to be quiet because you are heaping judgement on your own head because you are not spiritually qualified.

To hear more on this topic see The Calm Before The Storm  Sermon.